23-Year-Old Man Survives Tiger Attack in Siak, Riau
Pekanbaru. A 23-year-old man was mauled by a tiger in Mekar Sari Hamlet, Sungai Tengah Village, Sabak Auh District, Siak Regency, Riau, on Wednesday night.
According to Siak Police Chief Asep Sudjarwadi, the victim, identified as Panji, suffered injuries to his head and hands after being attacked from behind by the tiger.
The incident occurred while Panji and eight friends were fishing in Sungai Rawa Village, Sungai Apit District.
"At the fishing spot, the tiger attacked the victim from behind, causing injuries to his head, right shoulder, and knees from bites and claw scratches," Asep said on Thursday.
Asep explained that one of Panji’s friends, Basori, witnessed the attack and heard the victim screaming for help. Upon seeing the group of friends approaching, the tiger fled the scene.
"The victim’s friends immediately took him to a clinic in Kampung Mengkapan Village for first aid," Asep added.
Panji was later transferred to Sungai Apit Community Health Center via ambulance.
"The victim is currently being treated at Sungai Apit Health Center, having received 89 stitches for injuries to his head, knees, and left palm," Asep concluded.
Sumatran tigers are critically endangered and protected under Indonesian law, making it illegal to hunt or capture them. With fewer than 600 individuals remaining in the wild, the species is highly vulnerable to extinction.
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