Ahok Blasphemy Case Exposé No Longer Televised

Alin Almanar
November 12, 2016 | 6:50 pm

Jakarta. A case exposé set for Tuesday (15/11) regarding blasphemy allegations against Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama will not be televised live as earlier planned, but will remain open to members of the public, although in limited numbers, the police said.

The event, which forms part of a preliminary probe into the case, will be attended by officials from the National Police's internal affairs unit, the Indonesian Ombudsman and the National Police Commission.

However, Criminal Investigation Unit (Bareskrim) head Comr. Gen. Ari Dono Sukmanto said the number of attendees will be limited due to a lack of space at the National Police headquarters.

"Based on the current situation and at the request of a range of parties demanding transparency, the case exposé will be open but limited," Ari told reporters at his office on Friday.


The exposé is aimed at determining whether remarks Ahok made in a speech in relation to a Koranic verse two months ago constitute a criminal offense.

The police have earlier vowed that the exposé would be televised live, as instructed by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.

However, Ari said they eventually decided that the media would not be permitted to do so, without citing any reasons. The media will only be allowed to broadcast the opening of the event.

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