Ahok Promises Better Public Services Instead of Cash Handouts

Bhakti Hariani & Eko Prasetyo
December 14, 2016 | 8:22 pm
Just five days before Jakartans elect a new governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and running mate Djarot Saiful Hidayat are again leading in the polls. (Antara Photo/Muhammad Adimaja)
Just five days before Jakartans elect a new governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama and running mate Djarot Saiful Hidayat are again leading in the polls. (Antara Photo/Muhammad Adimaja)

Jakarta. Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama says he will not pamper residents with social aid in the form of cash handouts, but instead ensure that his administration provides the best possible public services, in line with the fifth article of the Pancasila state ideology.

"Whoever you are, we will take care of you if you go to any health center or hospital and present your Jakarta identity card. You can call me names and protest against me, but if you are ill and want to be in the hospital's Class 3 rooms, the administration will cover the expenses," Ahok told residents gathered at his Rumah Lembang campaign headquarters in Jakarta on Wednesday (14/12).

"This is the implementation of Pancasila's articles," he said, referring to the articles dealing with social justice and one nation under God.

Ahok also reminded civil servants to implement the philosophies of Pancasila, by ensuring that they comply with the principles of social justice when dealing with the public.


The governor said the distribution of free human papillomavirus vaccines to female students to prevent cervical cancer, and the Jakarta Smart Cards are the embodiment of social justice.

He said not only children, but also the elderly may ride city buses for free, or enjoy the green open spaces provided by the Jakarta administration.

"I want all children, parents and the elderly to be served. Good families will create great children and the state will be good. If families are torn apart, it would all be useless," Ahok said.

"I believe the government will assist those who are diligent and want to work, by providing skills, such as in information technology. Surely, the pride and dignity of the person will improve," he added.

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