Antam Gold Scandal Unveiled: Supreme Court Urged to Overturn Civil Ruling

October 28, 2024 | 11:04 pm
The Attorney General's Office (AGO) officially declared as a suspect in a case related to illegal transactions and a conspiracy surrounding the buying and selling of gold from Antam, on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024.
The Attorney General's Office (AGO) officially declared as a suspect in a case related to illegal transactions and a conspiracy surrounding the buying and selling of gold from Antam, on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2024.

Jakarta. The Attorney General’s Office has charged businessman Budi Said with corruption related to gold transactions. Prosecutors allege that Budi colluded to purchase state-owned Antam gold at prices below official rates, causing state losses of Rp 1.1 trillion ($69.98 million).

"Defendant Budi Said, together with Eksi Anggraeni, Endang Kumoro, Ahmad Purwanto, and Misdianto, engaged in transactions at Antam’s Surabaya 01 gold boutique at prices below the official rates, violating Antam’s gold pricing procedures," prosecutors said in court recently.

During the Jakarta Anti-Corruption Court proceedings, evidence surfaced suggesting a corruption scheme involving former Antam employees Ahmad Purwanto, Endang Kumoro, and Misdianto. Each reportedly received Rp 150 million in bribes from broker Eksi Anggraeni, acting under Budi Said's instructions.

"It appears these Antam employees pretended to loan gold to Eksi Anggraeni," testified former VP of Antam’s Precious Metals Processing Business Unit, Andik Julianto.


Criminal law expert Abdul Fickar Hadjar emphasized the potential for collusion between Budi Said, Eksi, and Antam officials based on the court evidence. This could impact Budi’s civil ruling. "Given the witness testimony, the Supreme Court should consider annulling the civil verdict to safeguard state finances," Fickar said.

Earlier, an appeals court found Eksi and associates guilty of corruption. Eksi was sentenced to 11 years, fined Rp 600 million, or six months imprisonment, with additional restitution of Rp 87 billion, or five years in jail. This was an increase from her initial sentence of seven years and a fine of Rp 600 million, with 2.5 years in jail if unable to pay restitution.

The other three defendants—Endang, Ahmad, and Misdianto—each received nine-year sentences and fines of IDR 300 million or six months in jail, an increase from their initial 6.5-year terms.

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