Bandung 'Ojol' Drivers Protest Unfair Deductions, Seek Fare Increase Talks

Algi M Gifari
June 25, 2024 | 4:03 pm
Thousands of online motorcycle and car taxi (ojol) drivers gathered for a protest in front of Gedung Sate on Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday. ( M Gifari)
Thousands of online motorcycle and car taxi (ojol) drivers gathered for a protest in front of Gedung Sate on Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday. ( M Gifari)

Bandung. Thousands of online motorcycle and car taxi (ojol) drivers gathered for a protest in front of Gedung Sate on Jalan Diponegoro, Bandung, West Java, on Tuesday.

They expressed their demand to eliminate what they perceive as "unfair deductions" by ride-hailing companies, which significantly reduce their earnings. Normally, ride-hailing companies earn between 15 to 20 percent from each ride.

"The main issue is that the current fares for both two-wheel and four-wheel drivers are no longer sustainable," said Abah Dendi, the protest coordinator.

Dendi urged West Java Acting Governor Bey Machmudin to convene a meeting with online transportation providers to discuss increasing fares.


"We are calling for a revision of the existing regulations set by the Directorate General of Transportation regarding online transportation for both motorcycles and cars. We need a gubernatorial decree in West Java that specifically regulates app-based transportation," he emphasized.

Despite being granted an audience, the drivers expressed disappointment at not meeting Bey Machmudin and representatives from the ride-hailing companies.

"We only met with representatives from the Transportation Agency and the Communications and Information Agency. We demand that the Acting Governor and all app operators attend this protest," he added.

The drivers proposed raising the minimum fare to Rp 2,600 per kilometer, up from Rp 2,000, and setting a base fare of Rp 11,600 for short rides, an increase from the current fare range of Rp 8,000 to Rp 10,000. For four-wheel vehicles, they requested a base fare of Rp 5,000, up from Rp 3,500, and a rate of Rp 24,000 for the first four kilometers.

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