Efforts to Obstruct Ahok-Djarot Campaign Are Organized: Claim

Robertus Wardi & Eko Prasetyo
November 17, 2016 | 6:44 pm
Jakarta governor Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama, right, campaigns in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, on Oct. 31. (Antara Photo/Hafidz Mubarak A.)
Jakarta governor Basuki 'Ahok' Tjahaja Purnama, right, campaigns in Lenteng Agung, South Jakarta, on Oct. 31. (Antara Photo/Hafidz Mubarak A.)

Jakarta. Fayakhun Andriadi, leadership board chairman of Golkar Party's Jakarta branch, says the same group of people seem to be involved in actions in various parts of the capital to prevent incumbent Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama and Deputy Governor Djarot Saiful Hidayat from campaigning for the 2017 gubernatorial election.

"We saw something in pictures we received; the same person showed up several times in different locations," Fayakhun said in Jakarta on Thursday (17/11).

The lawmaker said he already reported this evidence to the General Election Supervisory Board (Bawaslu), and expects swift action from the agency.

Fayakhun said he deplored these actions, as it did not respect residents' democratic rights. He added that since these actions are illegal, those involved should be prosecuted.


"This desecrates democracy. We call on the law to act against them," he said.

Prasetyo Edi Marsudi, campaign chairman for Ahok and Djarot, also alleged that certain people are involved behind the scenes to prevent the candidate pair from accessing parts of the city.

"We have suspected that it is the same people who were present in different locations. It looks like they are organized," Prasetyo said.

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