Indonesia Runs for UN Security Council Non-Permanent Seat

Jayanty Nada Shofa
September 29, 2024 | 6:51 am
Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi addresses the UN General Debate in New York on Sep. 28, 2024. (Photo Courtesy of Foreign Affairs Ministry)
Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi addresses the UN General Debate in New York on Sep. 28, 2024. (Photo Courtesy of Foreign Affairs Ministry)

Jakarta. Indonesia will run for a non-permanent membership at the UN Security Council which the country has considered as being passive towards Israel’s war atrocities against Palestinians. 

Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi announced Indonesia’s candidacy when addressing a UN General Assembly session on Saturday in a speech that highlighted its support for Palestine and Jakarta’s achievements on the global stage. Indonesia, which is about to witness a shift in presidency, will also remain committed to assuring global peace, according to Retno. 

“Rest assured that Indonesia's commitment towards common peace, common prosperity and common security, will be carried forward across Indonesia's successive administrations. It is in this spirit that I’m proud to announce Indonesia's candidature for a non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council for 2029-2030,” Retno said at the UN’s New York headquarters. 

She added: “This candidature reflects our deep commitment to contributing towards global peace and security. Let us work together to build a legacy of peace for our future generations.”


The UN Security Council encompasses 5 permanent members and 10 other non-permanent members elected for two-year terms by two-thirds of votes at the General Assembly. China, France, Russia, the US, and the UK are the group’s permanent members.

The council adopts resolutions, among others, those related to a ceasefire in the conflict-hit Gaza. However, Palestine-related resolutions have faced some setbacks, particularly from Israel’s military backer US. As a permanent member, the US is able to veto a resolution, thus blocking its adoption. A resolution can only get adopted if it gets at least nine votes in favor provided that no permanent member casts their right to veto. Indonesia was a non-permanent member to the UN Security Council in 2019-2020. It also assumed the role in 1974-1975, 1995-1996, and 2007-2008 terms.

Just moments before Indonesia announced its candidature, Jakarta reminded the forum that the UN Security Council’s job was to “create peace, … and not to prolong war”. This was also not the first time that Indonesia told the council to take action to stop Israeli barbaric actions. 

“Will the Security Council only take action to stop Israel's atrocities when all Palestinians are displaced? Or when 100,000 Palestinians are killed? Or when a regional armed conflict breaks out? That will be too late,” Retno said. 

Retno also spoke of Indonesia’s past presidencies at global groupings, namely the G20 and ASEAN, during her speech, as the country wants to increase Jakarta’s chances of securing the non-permanent seat. The aspirations of the “Global South” -- a term referring to developing and least developed nations -- had also become a major part in Indonesia’s foreign diplomacy. 

“Wherever Indonesia goes, we carry the voices of the Global South,” Retno said. 

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