Muslim Groups Report Ahok for Blasphemy Despite Public Apology

Jakarta Globe
October 10, 2016 | 7:05 pm

Jakarta. Police reports have been filed against Jakarta Governor Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama for blasphemy despite his public apology for having quoted a Quranic verse during a speech in Thousand Islands district last week.

Jakarta Police spokesman Sr. Comr. Awi Setiyono said two reports filed by the so-called Anti-Blasphemy Forum (FUPA) and the Muhammadiyah Youth Group have been submitted to the National Police's criminal investigation unit (Bareskrim) for further investigation.

"The case has been handed to Bareskrim since a similar report was filed there as well," Awi said in Jakarta on Monday (10/10), as reported by Antara news agency.

Bareskrim received a report made against Ahok for blasphemy from an organization called Advocates of Patriotism (ACTA) on Thursday.


The organization accused the governor of blasphemy, after he said that no one should manipulate verses from the Quran for political gain.  Ahok's speech has angered some clerics and Muslim leaders, who claim that he had insulted Islam and its holy book by quoting a verse from it.

The governor has apologized to Muslims for his speech and said he had no intention to insult the religion.

"I understand that some people are upset. Religion is a very personal matter and should not be mixed up with public discourse," Ahok said.

The governor added that he has deep respect for Muslims and has always done his best to support them, including by providing funding for Islamic boarding schools and mosques.

"I am not anti-Islam," he said.

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