New Details Emerge about Panji Gumilang as Blasphemy Probe Begins
Jakarta. New details have emerged in the police investigation into alleged blasphemy at Al Zaytun Islamic Boarding School, led by controversial figure Panji Gumilang, who has previously been associated with a movement to establish an Islamic state in Indonesia.
The cleric reportedly has hundreds of bank accounts under different aliases.
The investigation centers around allegations that students at the boarding school in the West Java town of Indramayu are being taught against fundamental Islamic teachings. According to reports, the school allows men and women to pray together in the same row during Eid al-Fitr and permits a woman to serve as an Imam during congregational prayers.
Panji, who will turn 77 on July 30, has reportedly made a controversial statement claiming that the Quran was "invented by Prophet Mohammad."
Following a blasphemy complaint filed by several groups in late June, Panji was interrogated by the National Police on Tuesday. During the interrogation, he remained unresponsive to many questions from journalists.
The police have not yet named a suspect in the case.
On Wednesday, Chief Security Minister Mohammad Mahfud MD revealed that the cleric has six aliases and hundreds of bank accounts.
"He has 256 accounts under Abu Toto Panji Gumilang, Abdul Salam Panji Gumilang, and other aliases. We have identified at least six names in total," Mahfud said.
The minister added that investigators have also discovered 33 bank accounts associated with organizations linked to Panji. The anti-money laundering agency PPATK is currently investigating these accounts for any suspicious transactions.
Brig. Gen. Djuhandhani Raharjo Puro, leading the investigation, mentioned that Panji was questioned regarding his controversial statements that have gone viral on social media platforms. Prior to initiating the blasphemy investigation, four witnesses and five experts were also questioned.
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