Seven Dead, Dozens Injured After Seaside Bridge Collapses During Election Campaign

Fitriansa Sima Sima Sohilauw
October 31, 2024 | 2:01 am
Residents gather to rescue victims after a bridge collapsed on Banda Island in Central Maluku Regency, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (B-Universe Photo/Fitriansa Sima Sima Sohilauw)
Residents gather to rescue victims after a bridge collapsed on Banda Island in Central Maluku Regency, Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2024. (B-Universe Photo/Fitriansa Sima Sima Sohilauw)

Ambon. At least seven people died and dozens more were injured after a seaside bridge in Central Maluku Regency collapsed on Wednesday afternoon, during a campaign event for a local regent candidate.

The incident occurred as many supporters of regent candidate Andi Munaswir stood on an old cement pier to welcome his arrival by boat to Banda Island. The bridge suddenly collapsed, reportedly due to overcapacity.

Local authorities have identified the deceased as Ruslan Hurasan, Andan Teja Ningsi Nurbati, Musbai Raharusun, Hasim Lapangan, Halima Lapangan, Salina Ladjali, and Arman Wala. Among the victims are at least three members of the candidate’s entourage.

The injured were transported to Banda Naira Hospital via speedboat for medical treatment.


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